Spoofed Emails and Private Messages
Please be aware of an email scam going around with Fr. Ken’s name on it. Here it is:
Reverend Kenneth Grooms <parishoffice@bogus.com>
Good day, Please let me know if you are open to communicating via email, I have a request for you to manage for me confidentially thanks.
Blessings, Reverend Kenneth Grooms
For your information all our real parish email addresses end with: @iccwhb.org or @iccwhb.com
None of our priests, nor any staff member, will ever privately email, send private messages/texts, or make phone calls to parishioners or other members of the community to ask for money, gift cards, or any other thing. If you receive such a message, it is definitely fake. Always double check with the church office during regular office hours! It can always wait until then.
There will never be an emergency that will require any parishioner or community member to wire money (via Western Union, or Venmo) or immediately buy any kind of gift cards.

If you have any questions, please call the church at 631-288-1423 or visit our Parish Donation page.
Originally published in 2021