Healing Mass

Melissa Jennings
Melissa Jennings

Dear ICC Family,

We will celebrate a Healing Mass on Monday, July 17 at 8:00 am. After Mass, those in need of healing will be invited to come forward.

I will place the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance and touch the forehead of every person, followed by the deacon and guest healer.

Our first guest healer is a wonderful lady, Melissa Jennings, from my former parish, St. Aidan’s in Williston Park. Melissa is a licensed Social Worker and has taught Biology. But, more importantly, she has the gift of healing! I call her “Kateri” because she has a great devotion to St. Kateri and even looks like her!

If you are in need of any kind of healing (physical, emotional, spiritual) please join us for our first Healing Mass on July 17!