Immaculate Conception Church

Eucharist, Adoration, & Confessions

Indicates live streamed or recorded service / Indica servicio grabado o transmitido en vivo.
All livestreams will appear here on our homepage.
Daily Mass
Monday-Thursday 8:00am 
January through March, Daily Mass on Monday through Thursday will be held at 9:00am.
Friday Noon
Saturday Vigil Eucharist
Sunday Eucharist
8:00am ; 9:30am ; 11:00am  
Independence Day through Labor Day the 8:00am Mass will be held in the Parish Center.
Misa en Español
Domingo a las 6:00pm

Eucharistic Adoration
FIRST FRIDAYS of each month following the Noon Mass and
LAST MONDAYS of each month at 7:00pm.
Adoración Eucarística en Español
Primer Martes del Mes a las 8:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4:00-4:45pm, or by appointment

view of crucifix on Ash Wednesday 2025

Ash Wednesday, March 5
9:00am and Noon Mass
4:00pm and 8:00pm Liturgy
5:30pm Misa en Español

Lenten Parish Mission with Michael Grogan
Sunday, March 9 – Tuesday, March 11
7:00pm each evening

Creative Ministries presents
Journey, Cross & Crucifixion

Wednesday, April 16, 7:30pm

Stations of the Cross
every Friday after the noon Mass beginning March 7 during Lent

Live Stream

Recent Posts

tabernacle with crucifix

Alleluia, Dulce Carmen

Alleluia, Dulce Carmen (Alleluia, Song of Gladness), sung by Bobby Peterson, is a medieval Latin hymn sung during the week before Lent as a preparation for the dismissal of the “Alleluia” during Lent.

Screen for Holy Rosary Livestream

Holy Rosary Prayer for Pope Francis’ Health

The Vatican announces a new prayer initiative for Pope Francis, with cardinals leading a nightly rosary in St. Peter’s Square starting today at 9:00pm Rome time (3:00pm ET). Visit:

social media images

Facebook Changes

Facebook has changed its policy for live videos. Starting February 19th, any new live broadcasts on our Facebook page will be available for replay, download, or sharing for only 30 days. After that, Facebook will automatically delete them. We wanted to make sure you knew about this change, though we have no control over Facebook’s policies. You…

Weekly Bulletins
easter altar

Donating to the Parish

The act of giving is crucial for the church to carry out its mission in service to God. We allocate these gifts to support missions, weekly services, community initiatives, programs that encourage spiritual growth, and those who are less fortunate.

Parish Donations