Pancake Breakfast
Joseph Slomski KofC Council 7423 recently sponsored a free pancake breakfast and ministry fair to educate and encourage parishioners to join one of the ministries at the church.
Joseph Slomski KofC Council 7423 recently sponsored a free pancake breakfast and ministry fair to educate and encourage parishioners to join one of the ministries at the church.
We recorded the Lenten Mission with Mike Grogan that took place here at our church on March 9, 10, and 11.
Alleluia, Dulce Carmen (Alleluia, Song of Gladness), sung by Bobby Peterson, is a medieval Latin hymn sung during the week before Lent as a preparation for the dismissal of the “Alleluia” during Lent.
The Vatican announces a new prayer initiative for Pope Francis, with cardinals leading a nightly rosary in St. Peter’s Square starting today at 9:00pm Rome time (3:00pm ET). Visit:
Facebook has changed its policy for live videos. Starting February 19th, any new live broadcasts on our Facebook page will be available for replay, download, or sharing for only 30 days. After that, Facebook will automatically delete them. We wanted to make sure you knew about this change, though we have no control over Facebook’s policies. You…
Dear Friends, A parishioner asked me if we could restart serving the Eucharist under both species (Bread and Wine). I consulted three pastor friends in the diocese who warned against it at this time, because there are too many viruses going around. Hopefully, in the future we will be able to restart serving both. In…
Dear Parishioners, As we bid farewell to the past year and welcome the promise of a new one, I want to extend my warmest wishes to each of you. The dawn of a new year is a time for reflection, renewal, and hope. It is an opportunity to look back with gratitude and forward with…
Christmas Greetings to Our Dear Parishioners, As we gather to celebrate the joy and wonder of Christmas, I am filled with gratitude for each and every one of you who make our parish community so special. This season of Advent has been a time of reflection, preparation, and anticipation, leading us to the miraculous birth…
The Knights of Columbus, Westhampton Kiwanis and Westhampton Rotary here presenting Father Ken with the proceeds of the Food Pantry Fundraiser dinner.