Image of pentecost

La Solemnidad de Pentecostés / Fin de Semana de Día Memorial

La Solemnidad de Pentecostés “Ven Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía Tu Espíritu y serán creados.  Y renovarás la faz de la tierra. Amén.”  ¡Esta gran oración de la Iglesia es algo por lo que rezamos constantemente, especialmente el domingo de Pentecostés, el…

Ken Grooms offering up the eucharist

Fr. Ken Grooms

Fr. Ken Grooms was born in 1963 into a Southern Baptist family in Charleston, SC.  He earned a BA in Music and Philosophy from the College of Charleston in 1985.  He converted to Catholicism the next year while a graduate student at the University of South Carolina.  He began RCIA there at the exact time…

Ken Grooms offering up the eucharist

Padre Ken Grooms

Padre Ken Grooms nació en 1963 en una familia bautista del sur en Charleston, SC.  Obtuvo una licenciatura en Música y Filosofía de la Universidad de Charleston en 1985. Se convirtió al catolicismo al año siguiente cuando era estudiante de posgrado en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur.  Él comenzó RICA allí en el momento…

girl with books

Parish Scholarships

Parish Scholarships Knights of Columbus Father Joseph Slomski Council #7423 is sponsoring high school scholarships. The candidate must be a high school senior who has been accepted to and will attend an accredited four year or two year college or vocational program beginning in the Fall of 2023. In addition, the candidate’s family must be…

Dear Parish family

Dear Parish family, This past weekend, I announced that Bishop Barres has appointed me as Coordinator of the Hispanic Apostolate on the East End, and Pastor of the Parish of Sacred Heart with the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mattituck. Bishop Barres has appointed Fr. Ken Grooms as Pastor of Immaculate Conception….