FORMED en Español

Los invito, si aún no lo han hecho, a registrarse en FORMED,  FORMED es GRATIS, todo lo que tienes que hacer es crear un nombre de usuario y contraseña y todo el contenido está disponible para ti.  Hay una gran cantidad de información y actividades en FORMED.  De vez en cuando hemos usado películas…


I invite you if you haven’t already to sign up for FORMED,  FORMED is FREE, all you have to do is create a username and password and all the content is available to you.  There is a wealth of information and activities on formed.  We have from time to time used movies and Sacramental…

Reporte Anual 2022

Cada año, elaboramos un breve informe del progreso y la posición de la parroquia desde una perspectiva financiera, física y espiritual. Está destinado a mostrar cómo los recursos de la parroquia se están utilizando para la proclamación del Evangelio tanto a nuestra familia parroquial como a la comunidad en general. Haga clic para ver el…

Annual Report 2022

Every year, we put together a short report of the progress and position of the parish from a financial, physical and spiritual perspective. It is meant to show how the resources of the parish are being used for the proclamation of the Gospel both to our parish family and the wider community at large. Click…

food pantry dinner poster, text in article

25th Annual Food Pantry Fundraiser Dinner

25th Annual Food Pantry Fundraiser Dinner Sponsored by the Westhampton Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, & Knights of Columbus Slomski Council Saturday, October 29th, 2022 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM Immaculate Conception Parish Center 18 Ocame Avenue, Quiogue Continuous Serve Buffet Prepared By Sydney’s Taylor Made Cuisine SHOCK Ice Cream & Hampton Coffee Adults $25 in…

church building

Spotlight on: Eucharistic Ministers

Since the Second Vatican Council, the Church has permitted lay faithful to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.  These lay ministers are trained to distribute Communion.  This ministry requires specific training from the Diocese.  This training will take place on Saturday Oct 29th at St. Rosalie’s.  If you would like to be trained as…