live like vin 5k memorial run walk

Vin Zorbo 5K Memorial Run Walk

Father Slomski Council Knights of Columbus Vin Zorbo 5K Memorial Run Walk Saturday September 30 at 9AM Westhampton Beach Village Marina 1 Library Avenue Westhampton Beach Post raffle fundraiser – first 150 pre-registered runners get a shirt Go to: for registration and details Sponsored by the Father Slomski Council Knights of Columbus in memory…

Ken Grooms offering up the eucharist

Dear ICC Family

Dear ICC family, I’m so happy to be here! Just four years ago I got ordained and now I have the privilege of being part of your parish community. So many of my parishioners at St. Aidan’s in Williston Park (out West!) have told me how much they love Westhampton Beach and Immaculate Conception Church….

Photo of Father Mike with Deacon Joe while taping for the Word at Telecare in 2017.

Thank You!

My dear friends in Christ, thank you for your devotion to our Lord, and parish and our wider community. We have faced a lot of challenges over the last nine years, and ultimately the parish has come out stronger and more vibrant. There is still a lot of work to be done, but Fr. Ken…

Photo of Father Mike with Deacon Joe while taping for the Word at Telecare in 2017.


Mis queridos amigos en Cristo, gracias por su devoción a nuestro Señor, a la parroquia y a nuestra comunidad en general. Hemos enfrentado muchos desafíos en los últimos nueve años y, en última instancia, la parroquia se ha vuelto más fuerte y más vibrante. Todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer, pero el P. Ken está…

father mike

Happy Father’s Day! / Farewell Mass for Fr. Mike and Start of Summer Mass Schedule

Happy Father’s Day! Happy Father’s Day! Today, we pray for our Fathers. We give thanks for our Fathers, whether it be our biological father, a father figure or those men who helped to shape our lives. It is a great day to say thank you whether in person or in prayer. If you would like…

father mike

¡Feliz Día del Padre! / Misa de Despedida del P. Mike y Horario de Misas de Inicio de Verano

¡Feliz Día del Padre! ¡Feliz Día del Padre! Hoy oramos por nuestros Padres. Damos gracias por nuestros Padres, ya sea nuestro padre biológico, una figura paterna o aquellos hombres que ayudaron a dar forma a nuestras vidas. Es un gran día para decir gracias ya sea en persona o en oración. Si desea que su…