Religious Education

Staff, Religious Education

Donna Cosme, Director of Religious Education

Contact the Religious Education office via email, or via phone (631) 288-4188, or fill out the form.


Religious Education

Our Religious Education program begins in Level 1 and is continuous through Level 10.  Typically, children begin their 2-year sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion when a child enters 1st grade in elementary school. Our Levels 1 & 2 program prepares your child to receive First Holy Communion in May of their Level 2 year. Children continue classes in Levels 3 through 8 which are vital years for religious formation. Sacramental preparation for Confirmation is a 2-year process which begins with Level 9 and is completed in the spring of the teens Level 10 year with Confirmation.

Those involved in the ministry of religious education foster the spiritual formation of the children of the parish through classroom instruction for children in Levels 1-10 and preparation for the sacraments. Volunteers in this ministry serve as catechists, aides, substitutes, and monitors. They help, as well, in other ways that keep the program running smoothly. Being involved in this ministry requires a weekly commitment of time, generally from late September to early May. The time commitment can range from one to three hours per week. Volunteers need to have a desire to work with children, a willingness to be trained and to share their faith, a commitment to nurture their own faith, and a commitment to the teachings of our Church. Interviews are required of all volunteers.

Youth Ministry

Youth retreats and other special programs are part of the Confirmation program.  Adult and student volunteers are needed to assist the students not only in this preparatory program but in special events and general youth activities, as well. This ministry is part of the Immaculate Conception Church’s Religious Education program.


All volunteers must complete a background check and attend a Virtus session. Virtus is a positive and proactive method for each and every adult to be aware of what is happening to the children around them, recognize if something doesn’t seem right and know what to do if they see anything that might harm a child. Virtus focuses on the three core actions of awareness, recognition and action. It helps to create a safe environment for all children by making every adult the eyes and ears of Christ who showed his love for them and told us that we must be like them if we want to enter his Kingdom.

Registration Forms

To register a child entering first grade or a child that is new to Immaculate Conception Religious Education, please call the office at 631-288-4188 to set up a new student intake appointment.

If you are re-registering a returning child, please print the appropriate form and return it to the office or by mail to:

Immaculate Conception Religious Education
P.O. Box 1227
Westhampton Beach, NY 11978
or fax to 631-288-8215.

If you wish to pay using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or ACH Debit from a bank account, you can now use Faith Direct to do so. Scroll to “One Time Gifts” and “Religious Education Registration Fees.”

These are printable forms. If you have questions or have any difficulties with them, please call the School of Religion at (631) 288-4188.

Registration Form

  Volunteer Form