eucharist bread and wine

The Eucharist

Dear Friends, A parishioner asked me if we could restart serving the Eucharist under both species (Bread and Wine). I consulted three pastor friends in the diocese who warned against it at this time, because there are too many viruses going around. Hopefully, in the future we will be able to restart serving both. In…

Close-up of a glowing candle flame against a dark background, creating a warm ambiance.

Advent Retreat

All are invited and encouraged to attend our ADVENT RETREAT. Saturday, December 7 from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Church. The retreat is being offered by Fr. Justin Maria Cinnante, a Carmelite Friar of the North American province of Saint Elias. He serves as chaplain of Iona Prep School in New Rochelle and is a…

catholic ministries appeal

Catholic Ministries Appeal

Dear ICC Family, I recently had a conversation with a parishioner about donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) in the context of the current bankruptcy lawsuit. As you may have read in Newsday, the bankruptcy lawsuit appears to be coming to a settlement. Each parish will likely have to contribute to the settlement. Some…

image of two young women

Youth Ministry

Dear ICC family, I am considering starting (or restarting) a Youth Ministry. I believe that the youth are not only the future of the church, they are also the most vibrant part of any family (including the church family). Therefore, I have invited one of the country’s top Youth Ministers, Jim Flanagan, to meet with…