Annual Report 2019

Every year, we publish an annual report.  It is a way to communicate the stewardship of the resources of the parish to the parish community.  Over the past fiscal year, we were able to put a speaker in the narthex and fix the hand rails at the entrances of the Church.  We also completed our conversion of lights in the parish center so that it is more efficient and cost effective.  Our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes have been a very productive ministry that we added this past year.  Noticeable on the annual report is we have yet to make our Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) goal.  We are about $6,000 short of our goal.  Once we make our goal we should receive a rebate over $11,000.   CMA is a way for us to reach out beyond our parish boundaries to help those in need and to help various ministries of the Diocese as well as our own.  If you haven’t given yet to the CMA, consider a gift which will ultimately help many people, including your parish!

For now, we continue our walk with the Lord.

2019 Annual Report