church building

Spotlight on: Ushers

A ministry you see at every weekend Mass is that of Ushers. Their primary responsibility is taking up the collection at the offertory. Another responsibility is being attentive to the needs of parishioners or visitors, whether it is finding a seat or a need for assistance with mobility concerns. They are one of the first…

holding hands with person in wheelchair

Ministry Spotlight

As we made mention during our Kickoff to Summer, many of our ministries are in need of more volunteers.  We have had a list in the bulletin, on a flyer and online.  We will start to put a ministry or two in the spotlight, and describe the ministry.  If it is something you would like…

Synod on Synodality

What is the Synod on Synodality? A journey of sharing, reflecting, and listening at all levels across the entire Church! It is about becoming who God calls us to be as a Church, all of us together, amidst the reality of today’s world! The Synod on Synodality is a two-year process of listening and dialogue…

Reuniones para el Sínodo

Como mencionamos el mes pasado, toda la Iglesia Católica Romana está involucrada en el Sínodo sobre la sinodalidad.  Comenzaremos nuestras oportunidades de participar en el Sínodo a nivel parroquial.  Por lo general, una sesión comenzará con oración y reflexión, luego se le harán algunas preguntas a las personas sobre Caminar juntos, Participación, Comunión y Misión….

Synod Meetings

As we mentioned last month, the whole Roman Catholic Church is involved in the Synod on Synodality.  We will be beginning our opportunities to participate in the Synod on a parish level.  Typically a session will begin with prayer and reflection then people are asked some questions on Journeying Together, Participation, Communion and Mission.  Participants…

For a synodal church

Sínodo en Español

En octubre, el Papa Francisco inauguró el Sínodo sobre la Sinodalidad.  La primera fase del Sínodo tiene que ver con vivir la Sinodalidad en la Parroquia.  El Papa Francisco nos anima a mirar hacia la sinodalidad.  “Iluminados por la Palabra de Dios y unidos en la oración, podremos discernir los procesos para buscar la voluntad…

For a synodal church


In October, Pope Francis opened Synod on Synodality.  The first phase of the Synod has to do with experiencing Synodality in the Parish.  Pope Francis is encouraging us to look to Synodality.  “Enlightened by the Word of God and united in prayer, we will be able to discern the processes to seek God’s will and…