Food Pantry Dinner Check Presentation
The ecumenical food pantry dinner committee presented Father Ken Grooms with a check for $10,480.29 in support of the food pantry.
The ecumenical food pantry dinner committee presented Father Ken Grooms with a check for $10,480.29 in support of the food pantry.
For Western Christian churches, Advent is the start of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. The word Advent comes from the Latin word “adventus,” meaning “coming.” So, Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. It is also recognized as a time of penitence, which…
Dear ICC Family, This week is the beginning of Advent. I have invited a good friend of mine, Mike Grogan, to lead our Advent Mission. I met Mike ten years ago at Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery in my home state of South Carolina. I was a Postulant, and Mike was on retreat. As soon…
Dear Parishioners, Fr Ken will bless our New Nativity set in the front of our church on Sunday December 10,2023 after the 11:00 Mass. Light Refreshments will be provided by the Hospitality Committee. Please join us on this very special occasion. God Bless, Joe Sala Grand Knight of the K of C
The Knights of Columbus, Fr. Joseph Slomski Council are selling: Christmas Wreaths and Cemetery Pillows after every Mass starting this weekend, November 26.
Dear ICC Family, I have so much to be grateful for, especially after being installed as your pastor two weeks ago and after getting Teddy, my new puppy … and after being so warmly welcomed here three months ago … and after being ordained to the priesthood at the age of 55 … etc., etc!…
The Slomski KofC Council remembered deceased members at the 9:30 Mass, then laid a wreath at the Westhampton cemetery to honor veterans.
Dear ICC Family, Allow me to introduce my new puppy, Teddy! He’s a Border Terrier… super sweet and playful, not aggressive at all. He’s just 8 weeks old. He weighs 6 lbs and will grow to a whopping 16 lbs! I named him Teddy because he looks like a little Teddy Bear and just because…
Installation Mass Sunday was the BEST day of my life! I never felt so much love and support from friends and parishioners in this parish… as well as my former parishes of St. Aidan’s in Williston Park, Corpus Christi in Mineola, and St. Patrick’s in Bay Shore. If every young man could feel the intense…