anointing of the sick

Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the sick is offered the 2nd Friday of each month after the 8:00am Mass or you may contact the rectory for an appointment. The Sacrament will be offered again on: Friday, October 13th in the Church In the Church’s Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest, it…

Image from Installation Mass

Bishop Barres Visit

Dear ICC Family, We were delighted and blessed to have Bishop Barres celebrate 5:00 Mass on Saturday! It was a surprise, as I just found out a couple of days earlier. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic experience! Afterward, the Bishop and his MC (my Ordination classmate, Fr. Matt Browne) came for dinner at the rectory….

child praying

Religious Education Update

Dear ICC Family, I’m very happy to announce that Donna Cosme is our new Director of Religious Education (DRE). Donna has been our DRE Secretary for years. No one knows our program (including the teachers, parents, and kids) better than she does! Kim DeVito, our former DRE, called Donna her “right hand man”. That’s a…

food pantry dinner header 2023

Food Pantry Fundraiser Dinner 2023

A collaborative event held by the Westhampton Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Westhampton, and the Father Slomski chapter Knights of Columbus. All proceeds are donated to the Westhampton Food Pantry. 26th Annual Food Pantry Fundraiser Dinner Sponsored by the Westhampton Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, and Knights of Columbus Saturday, October 21, 2023 5:00…