
Friday Mass Update

Thank you all for your support in my decision to cancel the Friday Mass. I’ve looked more intently at my schedule and have decided that I can continue to offer a Friday Mass… but it will be at 12:00pm every Friday, not 8:00am. Adoration will follow immediately after 1st Friday 12:00pm Mass. Thank you for…

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Summer Mass

In order to accommodate the influx of Summer parishioners, we will have 8:00am Sunday Mass in the Parish Center beginning July 7 and continuing through Labor Day. The 5:00pm Saturday Mass and the 9:30am and 11:00am Sunday Masses will continue to be held in the church. The 6:00pm Sunday Spanish Mass will also continue to…

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Volunteer Criminal Background Checks

Dear ICC Family, First, I would like to thank all the volunteers (Ushers, Lectors, EMs, Parish Councils, Committees, etc.) who are now in compliance with the Diocesan VIRTUS training and criminal background checks. We went from 75% non-compliant to 50%. (The Spanish Volunteers are 100% in compliance!) Your commitment to these requirements ensures the safety…

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The Sacrament of Christian Maturity

Dear ICC Family, Congratulations to our DRE, Donna Cosme, her Assistant, Anne Dean, and all the wonderful volunteer teachers and monitors in our Religious Education program for doing such a great job all year long preparing our young people for the sacrament of Confirmation. The music was also amazing, as usual! Bishop Andrzej “Anjay” Zglejszewski…

Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre

Thank you Fr. Roy!

Dear ICC Family, We had an awesome mission this week with over 80 people! Fr. Roy is an amazing speaker who’s been to the Holy Land 19 times. He makes connections between the Old and the New Testaments that I never heard of before. I told him that I wanted to join him on his…

Fr. Ken, Laura, and Bobby

Choir Loft and other Music News

Dear ICC Family, Last weekend, the choir sounded amazing, partly because we now utilize the choir loft. Bobby Peterson, our Music Director, and Shawn Pinson, our Sacristan, spent days cleaning it out and bringing up all necessary equipment (keyboard, speakers, etc.). Every night, I saw one of their cars parked in the back parking lot…

Fr. Roy

Preparing for Easter

Dear ICC Family, In order to prepare for Easter, we are having a LENTEN RETREAT led by Fr. Roy Tvrdik on Sunday, February 25th and Monday through Wednesday, February 26th – 28th at 7:00pm in the Church. In addition we are going to have “double Holy Hours” at 12:00pm AND at 7:00pm as well on…