Bishop Barres Visit

Bishop Barres Visit

Dear ICC Family, We were delighted and blessed to have Bishop Barres celebrate 5:00 Mass on Saturday! It was a surprise, as I just found out a couple of days earlier. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic experience! Afterward, the Bishop and his MC (my Ordination classmate, Fr. Matt Browne) came for dinner at the rectory….

Religious Education Update

Religious Education Update

Dear ICC Family, I’m very happy to announce that Donna Cosme is our new Director of Religious Education (DRE). Donna has been our DRE Secretary for years. No one knows our program (including the teachers, parents, and kids) better than she does! Kim DeVito, our former DRE, called Donna her “right hand man”. That’s a…

Healing Mass

Healing Mass

Dear ICC Family, We will celebrate a Healing Mass on Monday, July 17 at 8:00 am. After Mass, those in need of healing will be invited to come forward. I will place the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance and touch the forehead of every person, followed by the deacon and guest healer. Our first guest…

Dear ICC Family

Dear ICC Family

Dear ICC family, I’m so happy to be here! Just four years ago I got ordained and now I have the privilege of being part of your parish community. So many of my parishioners at St. Aidan’s in Williston Park (out West!) have told me how much they love Westhampton Beach and Immaculate Conception Church….